Friday, December 9, 2011

It's been a while!

Hi sweetie!

I was having phone problems so I couldn't post to this blog for a while. So much to catch up on!

You've blossomed into an amazing toddling tyke over the last few months... You said mama, then dada, then you started waving hello/goodbye and clapping your hands! A few weeks after that you started to throw a fit because you wanted food off my plate... When I asked you "how do we ask mommy for food?" You responded by saying "mamamama" and using the sign for "more!" Soon after that (a couple days?) you also started signing "all done" which has served you well!

You're trying to crawl but haven't quite gotten there yet... But you can pull yourself up to standing and just yesterday you cruised around the coffee table to come to me!!!

You have a photo shoot tomorrow in front of the Christmas tree at grandma and grandpa's for our Christmas card... We have a cute Santa dress around here somewhere but can't find it so Aunt Becky and I picked out another cute outfit for you to wear! I let Daddy pick out a hairstyle for you so I hope you like it. :-)

We're so excited to have our first Christmas together as a family. I love you so much, sweetie. You are my world.

